Q: Why would i need MusicMaster?

Q: There is a TagSearch&Replace tool, but is there also a Set-Tag-To tool?

Q: Is MusicMaster useful even if I do not use iTunes?


Q: Why would i need MusicMaster?


MusicMaster is useful if you care about your music collection beyond its audible part (whats coming out of the speakers) but also want the textual information shown in iTunes or your favorite music player to be appealing and consistent. The meta-information contained in music files (the so called "tags") are often incomplete, inconsistent or just plain wrong, especially when collecting music from a lot of different sources. Fixing these tags is a laborious task, especially with large music libraries. Luckily, many of these tasks can be automated and be performed in a few seconds even over hundreds of gigabytes of music by MusicMaster. For example you can make sure that the titles of all songs in your library have each word capitalized, just by running the "Capitalization" tool on your library. All of the tools built into MusicMaster have powerful capabilities that are plainly impossible with iTunes alone. While some parts of what MusicMaster can do (Capitalization, Broken Track Removal) are possible with free scripts found on the internet, MusicMaster provides an easy-to-use and all-in-one package. Additionally, MusicMaster provides extremely powerful tools making use of so called "regular expressions" (regexp's) that allow you to perform near-arbitrary operations on your music tags, for example to automatically remove unwanted additional information some tool may have written to the lyrics tag of your music.

Q: There is a Tag Search&Replace tool, but is there also a Set-Tag-To tool?


You need to set the tags of a lot of songs to a specific value? iTunes can do that for some tags (Artist, Album, Composer, Genre...) but not for other Tags (Title, Lyrics, Episode ID, Description, Movement...). Luckily MusicMaster can do that. Actually you can use the 'Tag Search&Replace tool' for that. You can just search for the 'whole tag' using 'regular expressions' and replace it. We've added a built-in preset 'Set whole tag to' to easily do that. Just choose this preset and then edit the 'NEWSTR' replacement string to your liking.

Q: Is MusicMaster useful even if I do not use iTunes?


Yes it is! Four of the most powerful and interesting tools of MusicMaster can be performed on arbitrary folders of music in common formats (MP3, AAC, M4A, OGG, FLAC, …). Only some of the tools (Playlist Manager, Broken Track Remover) only apply to iTunes.